Google Patents US9275044B2 - Method, apparatus and system for finding synonyms The Qsauri intends to capture the only the most direct and significant related terms only.US9275044B2 - Method, apparatus and system for finding synonyms Associative relationships– A term can have one or more relationships, but not hierarchically, to associated terms, expressed as ‘(RT) Related term’.

A term can have a relationship with ‘Broader term’ or a ‘Narrower term’, which represent a more general concept or more specific term respectively. Hierarchical relationships– Two (reciprocal) types of hierarchical relationships are defined.These terms can be considered as a synonym/alias. Secondly, the ‘Used for’ and ‘Use’ relationship type, which is used to define a Preferred term and it’s associated non-preferred terms.
Dossier synonym full#
Firstly, ‘Abbreviation’ and ‘Abbreviation for’ link a full term with its abbreviation, and vice versa.

Equivalence relationships– There are two pairs of equivalence relationships that can be specified in Qsauri.To clarify, the hierarchies in Qsauri are constructed to aid searching and do not necessarily reflect formal scientific categories. Hierarchical relationships allow for categorization based on many different criteria and using different semantics. Above all, the main purpose of establishing preferred terms is to achieve consistency in the terms used within your organization. Relationship type ‘Preferred term’ does not intend to indicate one term is ‘better’ then another term. Qsauri covers hierarchical-, equivalence- and associative relationships between concepts. Each record captures information such as the reference source and definition.

Help to find the word, or words, by which a subject may be most fitly and aptly expressed.Group terms together so that when you search you can see the term that you are looking for in the context of other terms in the vocabulary.Assist users when searching information systems to improve accuracy and completeness of results.Provide a single overview of terminology from the most commonly used reference sources within drug regulatory affairs.For example, it helps to reduce ambiguity where a concept can be given different names and provides a definition of terms based on context of use. Qsauri covers the core English terminology used by regulatory professionals and can be a valuable aid for authors and database users managing regulatory information. Further, it is also a controlled and dynamic vocabulary of semantically and generically related terms which cover a specific domain of knowledge. A thesaurus is a terminological control device used in translating from the natural language of documents into a more constrained ‘system language’.