Easyframe class
Easyframe class

easyframe class

Them to compute the tax, which is sent to the """Obtains the data from the input fields and uses # The event handler method for the button

easyframe class

Self.taxField = self.addFloatField(value = 0.0, Self.addButton(text = "Compute", row = 3, column = 0,Ĭolumnspan = 2, command = puteTax) Includes: 80x 2x1m frame rack 104x 2x2m frame rack 46x 1m leg 60x 2m leg 64x 1,5m Layher screwjack 18x 1,2m Layher. Self.exeField = self.addFloatField(value = 0.0, # Label and field for the exemption amount # Label and field for the number of dependents Self.incomeField = self.addFloatField(value = 0.0, """Sets up the window and the widgets."""ĮasyFrame._init_(self, title = "Tax Calculator") """Application window for the tax calculator.""" The GUI-based tax calculator program shows clearly where these two tasks are performed. The other two tasks, laying out the window and responding to user events, are a matter of defining several methods belonging to a window class. The good news is that the runtime system handles the second and third of the four tasks – waiting for and detecting user events – mentioned above. Respond appropriately to each type of user action. We call this type of programming event-driven, because the program’s behavior is driven by user events.Detect a user’s action (also called an event).

easyframe class

  • Wait for the user to perform an action, such as pressing a button or selecting text in a field.
  • Layout and pop up a window with the appropriate data fields, buttons, and other controls.
  • According to the rules of the Hi-Lo Game, the starting card can not be the highest or the lowest card, that is Ace or King respectively. In PyGame, it is done by scale() function that takes an input image and the target size for transformation. Unlike terminal- and dialog-based applications, which guide the user through a determinate sequence of steps, a GUI-based application puts the user in charge of deciding which actions to perform. To give the kind of control to the user just mentioned, a GUI-based program must do four basic things: Placing a raw image file might cover the entire screen, therefore, we need to scale the image according to the screen’s width and height. Because the window stays alive after the Compute button is pressed, the user can subsequently adjust one input and leave the other previous inputs alone to compute and view a different result. The user can enter the three inputs in any order, and back out of an entry by editing it, before selecting the button to compute and display the result.


    The following GUI-based application computes a person’s income tax, based on a mythical tax code having a flat tax rate of 15%.

    Easyframe class